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Mitt Romney net worth and salary


Mitt Romney has a successful career from being a business titan to governor and currently,  Senator. He has carved a unique path in American politics. His tenure as Massachusetts Governor exhibited his fiscal conservatism, evident in his healthcare reforms and economic initiatives.

Mitt Romney’s career goes beyond public service. He is prominent as co-founder of Bain Capital and leading Bain & Company. This has cemented his prominence as a shrewd businessman, though not without controversy surrounding job losses and alleged predatory practices.


Now representing Utah in the Senate, Romney remains a vocal proponent of fiscal responsibility and a strong military, but his social stances hold surprising nuance, supporting same-sex marriage and advocating for immigration reform.

Mitt Romney salary

Mitt Romney, like all Senators in the U.S. Congress, is paid a base salary of $174,000 per year. On monthly basis, he receives $14,500. This is the standard salary for all Senators and Representatives, irrespective f party or seniority.

Mitt Romney net worth 

Mitt Romney has an estimated net worth of $150 million as of December 2023. He is one of the wealthiest people in the Senate. His source of income is not limited to his political career. The largest proportion of his net worth comes from businesses and investments.


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